Saturday, December 15, 2012


Now this word soul, which pops up frequently in Van Norden's soliloquies, used to have a droll effect upon me at first. Whenever I heard the word soul from his lips I would get hysterical; somehow it seemed like a false coin, more particularly because it was usually accompanied by a gob of brown juice which left a trickle down the corner of his mouth. And as I never hesitated to laugh in his face it happened invariably that when this little word bobbed up Van Norden would pause just long enough for me to burst into a cackle and then, as if nothing had happened, he would resume his monologue, repeating the word more and more frequently and each time with a more caressing emphasis. It was the soul of him that women were trying to possess - that he made clear to me.

他已经一遍遍重复了好多次,可是每一次仍要从头提起,就像一个偏执狂老是要谈在他心头索绕的事情。从某种意义上来看,范诺登是个疯子,这一点我已确信无疑。他怕独自一人呆着,他的恐惧是根深蒂固、无法摆脱的,趴在一个女人身上、同她结合在一起时他也仍旧逃不出自己为自己筑成的炼狱。他对我说,“我什么都试过了,甚至还数过数,考虑过哲学难题,可全没有用。我好像成了两个人,其中一个始终在盯着我。我生自己的气,气得要命,恨不得去自杀……可以说每一回达到性欲高峰时都是这样。约摸有那么一秒钟我完全忘记了自己,这时我甚至已不存在了……什么也没有了……那女人也不见了。这同领受圣餐差不多。真的,我真这么想。完事以后有几秒钟我觉得精神振奋……也许这种精神状态会无限期地持续下去 -若不是身边有个女人,还有装灌洗器的袋子,水在哗哗流……这些微小的细节使得你心里清楚得要命,使你觉得十分孤独,而就在这完全解脱的一瞬间内你还得听那些谈论爱情的废话……有时这简直要叫我发疯……我不时发疯。发疯也不会叫她们走开,实际上她们喜欢我这样。你越不去注意她们,她们越缠着你不放。女人身上有一种反常的气质……她们在内心深处都是受虐狂。”
He has explained it over and over again, but he comes back to it afresh each time like a paranoiac to his obsession. In a sense Van Norden is mad, of that I'm convinced. His one fear is to be left alone, and this fear is so deep and so persistent that even when he is on top of a woman, even when he has welded himself to her, he cannot escape the prison which he has created for himself. "I try all sorts of things," he explains tome. "I even count sometimes, or I begin to think of a problem in philosophy, but it doesn't work. It's like I'm two people, and one of them is watching me all the time. I get so goddamned mad at myself that I could kill myself… and in a way, that's what I do every time I have an orgasm. For one second like I obliterate myself. There's not even one me then… there's nothing… not even the cunt. It's like receiving communion. Honest, I mean that. For a few seconds afterwards I have a fine spiritual glow… and maybe it would continue that way indefinitely - how can you tell? - if it weren't for the fact that there's a woman beside you and then the douche bag and the water running… all those little details that make you desperately selfconscious, desperately lonely. And for that one moment of freedom you have to listen to all that love crap… it drives me nuts sometimes… I want to kick them out immediately… I do now and then. But that doesn't keep them away. They like it, in fact. The less you notice them the more they chase after you. There's something perverse about women… they're all masochists at heart."


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