Tuesday, October 30, 2012

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The chase became very exciting. Feeling sure of the course which the "Albatross" would be compelled to take, the "Alaska" tried to push her more toward the ice. The yacht's course becomes more and more wavering, every moment they made some change, at one time steering north at another west. Erik, mounted aloft, watched every movement she made, and thwarted her attempts to escape by appropriate maneuvers. Suddenly she stopped short, swung round and faced the "Alaska." A long white line which was apparent extending westward told the reason of this change. The "Albatross" found herself so close to the ice-banks that she had no recourse but to turn and face them.
The young captain of the "Alaska" had scarcely time to descend, before some missile whistled past his head. The "Albatross" was armed, and relied upon being able to defend herself.
"I prefer that it should be so, and that he should fire the first shot," said Erik, as he gave orders to return it.
His first attack was not more successful than that of Tudor Brown--for it fell short two or three hundred yards. But the combat was now begun, and the firing became regular. An American projectile cut the large sail yards of the "Alaska," and it fell upon the deck killing two men. A small bomb from the Swedish vessel fell upon the bridge of the "Albatross," and must have made great havoc. Then other projectiles skillfully thrown lodged in various parts of the vessel.
They had been constantly approaching each other, when suddenly a distant rumbling mingled with the roar of artillery, and the crews raising their heads saw that the sky was very black in the east.
Was a storm with its accompanying fog and blinding snow, coming to interpose between the "Albatross" and the "Alaska," to permit Tudor Brown to escape?
This Erik wished to prevent at any price. He resolved to attempt to board her. Arming his men with sabers, cutlasses, and hatchets, he crowded on all the steam the vessel could carry and rushed toward the "Albatross."
Tudor Brown tried to prevent this. He retreated toward the banks of ice, firing a shot from his cannon every five minutes. But his field of action had now become too limited; between the ice and the "Alaska" he saw that he was lost unless he made a bold attempt to regain the open sea. He attempted this after a few feigned maneuvers to deceive his adversary.
Erik let him do it. Then at the precise moment when the "Albatross" tried to pass the "Alaska," she made a gaping hole in the side of the yacht which stopped her instantly, and rendered her almost unmanageable; then she fell quickly behind and prepared to renew the assault. But the weather, which had become more and more menacing, did not give him time to do this.
The tempest was upon them. A fierce wind from the south-east, accompanied by blinding clouds of snow, which not only raised the waves to a prodigious height, but dashed against the two vessels immense masses of floating ice. It seemed as if they were attacked at all points at once. Erik realized his situation, and saw that he had not a minute to lose in escaping, unless he wished to be hemmed in perhaps permanently. He steered due east, struggling against the wind, the snow, and the dashing ice.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

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These various observations printed themselves on Dr. Martineau's mind after his first cursory examination of his patient and while he cast about for anything that would give this large industrious apartment a little more of the restfulness and comfort of a sick room. "I must get in a night nurse at once," he said. "We must find a small table somewhere to put near the bed.
"I am afraid you are very ill," he said, returning to the bedside. "This is not, as you say, my sort of work. Will you let me call in another man, a man we can trust thoroughly, to consult?"
"I'm in your hands, said Sir Richmond. I want to pull through."
"He will know better where to get the right sort of nurse for the case--and everything."
The second doctor presently came, with the right sort of nurse hard on his heels. Sir Richmond submitted almost silently to his expert handling and was sounded and looked to and listened at.
"H'm," said the second doctor, and then encouragingly to Sir Richmond: "We've got to take care of you.
"There's a lot about this I don't like," said the second doctor and drew Dr. Martineau by the arm towards the study. For a moment or so Sir Richmond listened to the low murmur of their voices, but he did not feel very deeply interested in what they were saying. He began to think what a decent chap Dr. Martineau was, how helpful and fine and forgiving his professional training had made him, how completely he had ignored the smothered incivilities of their parting at Salisbury. All men ought to have some such training, Not a bad idea to put every boy and girl through a year or so of hospital service.... Sir Richmond must have dozed, for his next perception was of Dr. Martineau standing over him and saying "I am afraid, my dear Hardy, that you are very ill indeed. Much more so than I thought you were at first."
Sir Richmond's raised eyebrows conveyed that he accepted this fact.
"I think Lady Hardy ought to be sent for."
Sir Richmond shook his head with unexpected vigour.
"Don't want her about," he said, and after a pause, "Don't want anybody about."
"But if anything happens-?"
"Send then."
An expression of obstinate calm overspread Sir Richmond's face. He seemed to regard the matter as settled. He closed his eyes.
For a time Dr. Martineau desisted. He went to the window and turned to look again at the impassive figure on the bed. Did Sir Richmond fully understand? He made a step towards his patient and hesitated. Then he brought a chair and sat down at the bedside.
Sir Richmond opened his eyes and regarded him with a slight frown.
"A case of pneumonia," said the doctor, "after great exertion and fatigue, may take very rapid and unexpected turns."
Sir Richmond, cheek on pillow, seemed to assent.
"I think if you want to be sure that Lady Hardy sees you again--... If you don't want to take risks about that--... One never knows in these cases. Probably there is a night train."
Sir Richmond manifested no surprise at the warning. But he stuck to his point. His voice was faint but firm. "Couldn't make up anything to say to her. Anything she'd like."

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“Therese, Therese,” yelled Ortega. “She has got a man in there.” He ran to the foot of the stairs and screamed again, “Therese, Therese! There is a man with her. A man! Come down, you miserable, starved peasant, come down and see.”
I don’t know where Therese was but I am sure that this voice reached her, terrible, as if clamouring to heaven, and with a shrill over-note which made me certain that if she was in bed the only thing she would think of doing would be to put her head under the bed-clothes. With a final yell: “Come down and see,” he flew back at the door of the room and started shaking it violently.
It was a double door, very tall, and there must have been a lot of things loose about its fittings, bolts, latches, and all those brass applications with broken screws, because it rattled, it clattered, it jingled; and produced also the sound as of thunder rolling in the big, empty hall. It was deafening, distressing, and vaguely alarming as if it could bring the house down. At the same time the futility of it had, it cannot be denied, a comic effect. The very magnitude of the racket he raised was funny. But he couldn’t keep up that violent exertion continuously, and when he stopped to rest we could hear him shouting to himself in vengeful tones. He saw it all! He had been decoyed there! (Rattle, rattle, rattle.) He had been decoyed into that town, he screamed, getting more and more excited by the noise he made himself, in order to be exposed to this! (Rattle, rattle.) By this shameless CATIN! CATIN! CATIN!”
He started at the door again with superhuman vigour. Behind me I heard Dona Rita laughing softly, statuesque, turned all dark in the fading glow. I called out to her quite openly, “Do keep your self-control.” And she called back to me in a clear voice: “Oh, my dear, will you ever consent to speak to me after all this? But don’t ask for the impossible. He was born to be laughed at.”
“Yes,” I cried. “But don’t let yourself go.”
I don’t know whether Ortega heard us. He was exerting then his utmost strength of lung against the infamous plot to expose him to the derision of the fiendish associates of that obscene woman! . . . Then he began another interlude upon the door, so sustained and strong that I had the thought that this was growing absurdly impossible, that either the plaster would begin to fall off the ceiling or he would drop dead next moment, out there.
He stopped, uttered a few curses at the door, and seemed calmer from sheer exhaustion.
“This story will be all over the world,” we heard him begin. “Deceived, decoyed, inveighed, in order to be made a laughing-stock before the most debased of all mankind, that woman and her associates.” This was really a meditation. And then he screamed: “I will kill you all.” Once more he started worrying the door but it was a startlingly feeble effort which he abandoned almost at once. He must have been at the end of his strength. Dona Rita from the middle of the room asked me recklessly loud: “Tell me! Wasn’t he born to be laughed at?” I didn’t answer her. I was so near the door that I thought I ought to hear him panting there. He was terrifying, but he was not serious. He was at the end of his strength, of his breath, of every kind of endurance, but I did not know it. He was done up, finished; but perhaps he did not know it himself. How still he was! Just as I began to wonder at it, I heard him distinctly give a slap to his forehead. “I see it all!” he cried. “That miserable, canting peasant-woman upstairs has arranged it all. No doubt she consulted her priests. I must regain my self-respect. Let her die first.” I heard him make a dash for the foot of the stairs. I was appalled; yet to think of Therese being hoisted with her own petard was like a turn of affairs in a farce. A very ferocious farce. Instinctively I unlocked the door. Dona Rita’s contralto laugh rang out loud, bitter, and contemptuous; and I heard Ortega’s distracted screaming as if under torture. “It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!” I hesitated just an instant, half a second, no more, but before I could open the door wide there was in the hall a short groan and the sound of a heavy fall.

coach While the usual expectation is that we are simple-minded enough to be caught up in the mass-me

While the usual expectation is that we are simple-minded enough to be caught up in the mass-media Tsunami created by The Da Vinci Code, now a movie starring Tom Hanks, so that we might all the better assist Hollywood in carting off its share of megabucks from this transient tempest for historical tots, let us explore how we might, instead, observe the refitted ancient frigate pass by on time抯 wide and eternal river, as we lounge on the bank in supine placidity, or, as a generous gesture, consent to turn our eyes toward the flick just for the faux tension of it all.

Since we believe our readers wish us to address every issue that troubles us via the news without flinching, so that we may all find ease in seeing the sanely funny side of it, we assume you抣l allow this attempt to see the book cum movie as, in W. S. Gilbert抯 bouncy phrase, 揳 source of innocent merriment.?br />

First, let抯 consider the tooting of the ship抯 horn in the light of history as it has actually come to be agreed on, to the extent that events 1,700 years or so ago can be rigorously sifted. As a soothing antidote in advance for our faithful readers, we advise that, as the council under consideration occurred in 325 AD, Christ had long since escaped to the realm where modification of his life, as the Gospels present it or as a paragraph in Roman history reputedly refers to it, was beyond the debates of ever-contentious humankind.

When our tidy history is over, we抣l also offer a few suggestions on which we may all pillow our world-thumped heads.

To provide historical solidity as a basis for our determinedly placid outlook, as much as a considerate paragraph or so can, let抯 recount the facts as they have been bruited about now for some centuries.

When Constantine, later, The Great, became Emperor, the Roman Empire was, we are told, in disarray. The old faith, Paganism, had begun to lose its hold as a credible unifying force. The new Emperor noticed that a widespread heresy called Christianity was gaining more and more enthusiasts, who were by previous emperors, particularly Diocletian, later, The Dunce, rather regularly annihilated by being sent to the flames or fed to the lions. The incalculably optimistic idea occurred to the new Emperor, a fierce general now in the uncomfortable role of a make-nice diplomat, that he might unite the faltering Empire anew by making the nascent faith the official religion of the Empire.

Despite catcalls from the nobles who still adhered to the pagan pantheon, he forged ahead, only to discover that, once in open proliferation, many a Christian theologian began to tear at the sanctimonious fabric he had so carefully draped over the fault lines of the quaking Empire. Growing anxious that his grand tarp might be rent irreparably, he called the diverse debaters to gather at the ancient city of Nicaea to hash out their disagreements once and for all time.

So intent was he to wrest unity from the 300 or so colorfully garbed theologians who assembled there that he deigned to sit among them, on his golden throne, where he harkened to their hair splitting and tearing until he grew, as most imperious people are likely to do on such occasions, impatient.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

lv wallets The field of magic

The field of magic, like any other show business, has different departments created to specialize on a special production process in order to make sure that everything is in order and systematized. One of these special queues is the costume and make up department. Although they belong to the same department, each has their own set of crews to work with.

The costume department crew serves as the performance dressers. Their task is not only to assist the performers for the magic show but should be up beat, systematic, and organized in everything that needs to be prepared. The costumes and the people involved can vary from one show to another. The costume designer should then be flexible and able to adapt the perfomers' personalities to their costumes.

The whole costume department involves the beaders, sewers, make-up artists up to the hair and wigs. This special set of people working behind the stage report to the head of the wardrobe department every meeting. They should be very energetic since their work demands a lot of walking around from one set to another.

A wardrobe assistant should always have the following handy:

?A small box or pouch of safety pins. One can even identify a wardrobe crew by the safety pins pinned on their clothes.

?Needles with ready black or white threads for on the spot repairs.


?Pair of scissors

They are also assigned to different areas of responsibility such as laundry, ironing, steaming, sorting and hanging of costumes, unpacking, costume repair, purchasing team for supplies, collecting and polishing of shoes, carrying make up cases, delivering and picking up of costumes from the dry cleaners, brushing of fur and wigs, and the setting up of dressing rooms. They also assist the magic show performers change into their costumes while others are the ones who collect all the materials used and return them to the right packages. There will also be a different set of people who will be doing all the emergency repairs.

The show must have dress tracks wherein all costume assistants should have a copy since there are so many shows everyday that might cause confusion. Dead costume is the term used to call wardrobes that will not be used again on the same show.

The members of the make up crew are the ones who set up the changing rooms and double check if the performers' make up is not to heavy nor too light for a show. A make-up designer collects and pulls up all the supplies needed for face and body painting. These set of people undergo training in applying and maintaining the quality of the cosmetics.

The following are the best make up selections used by professional magic show business owners:

?Ben Nye Theatrical Make up - promises make up in action and consistent quality.

?Color Cake Foundation Makeup - it easily blends to the skin that gives a more perfect look. This is great for oily and sensitive types of skin.

?Proscenium Series Creme Foundation - ideal for stage and on film for it naturally changes the skin tone.

Discount Louis Vuitton It was late when Wilson reached Hilda’s apartment on this particular Decembe

It was late when Wilson reached Hilda’s apartment on this particular December afternoon, and he found her alone. She sent for fresh tea and made him comfortable, as she had such a knack of making people comfortable.
“How good you were to come back before Christmas! I quite dreaded the Holidays without you. You’ve helped me over a good many Christmases.” She smiled at him gayly.
“As if you needed me for that! But, at any rate, I needed YOU. How well you are looking, my dear, and how rested.”
He peered up at her from his low chair, balancing the tips of his long fingers together in a judicial manner which had grown on him with years.
Hilda laughed as she carefully poured his cream. “That means that I was looking very seedy at the end of the season, doesn’t it? Well, we must show wear at last, you know.”
Wilson took the cup gratefully. “Ah, no need to remind a man of seventy, who has just been home to find that he has survived all his contemporaries. I was most gently treated — as a sort of precious relic. But, do you know, it made me feel awkward to be hanging about still.”
“Seventy? Never mention it to me.” Hilda looked appreciatively at the Professor’s alert face, with so many kindly lines about the mouth and so many quizzical ones about the eyes. “You’ve got to hang about for me, you know. I can’t even let you go home again. You must stay put, now that I have you back. You’re the realest thing I have.”
Wilson chuckled. “Dear me, am I? Out of so many conquests and the spoils of conquered cities! You’ve really missed me? Well, then, I shall hang. Even if you have at last to put ME in the mummy-room with the others. You’ll visit me often, won’t you?”
“Every day in the calendar. Here, your cigarettes are in this drawer, where you left them.” She struck a match and lit one for him. “But you did, after all, enjoy being at home again?”
“Oh, yes. I found the long railway journeys trying. People live a thousand miles apart. But I did it thoroughly; I was all over the place. It was in Boston I lingered longest.”
“Ah, you saw Mrs. Alexander?”
“Often. I dined with her, and had tea there a dozen different times, I should think. Indeed, it was to see her that I lingered on and on. I found that I still loved to go to the house. It always seemed as if Bartley were there, somehow, and that at any moment one might hear his heavy tramp on the stairs. Do you know, I kept feeling that he must be up in his study.” The Professor looked reflectively into the grate. “I should really have liked to go up there. That was where I had my last long talk with him. But Mrs. Alexander never suggested it.”
Wilson was a little startled by her tone, and he turned his head so quickly that his cuff-link caught the string of his nose-glasses and pulled them awry. “Why? Why, dear me, I don’t know. She probably never thought of it.”
Hilda bit her lip. “I don’t know what made me say that. I didn’t mean to interrupt. Go on please, and tell me how it was.”
“Well, it was like that. Almost as if he were there. In a way, he really is there. She never lets him go. It’s the most beautiful and dignified sorrow I’ve ever known. It’s so beautiful that it has its compensations, I should think. Its very completeness is a compensation. It gives her a fixed star to steer by. She doesn’t drift. We sat there evening after evening in the quiet of that magically haunted room, and watched the sunset burn on the river, and felt him. Felt him with a difference, of course.”

Thursday, October 25, 2012

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I discovered Therese still on the very same spot of the floor, her hands folded over each other and facing my empty chair before which the spilled wine had soaked a large portion of the table-cloth. She hadn’t moved at all. She hadn’t even picked up the overturned glass. But directly I appeared she began to speak in an ingratiating voice.
“If you have missed anything of yours upstairs, my dear young Monsieur, you mustn’t say it’s me. You don’t know what our Rita is.”
“I wish to goodness,” I said, “that she had taken something.”
And again I became inordinately agitated as though it were my absolute fate to be everlastingly dying and reviving to the tormenting fact of her existence. Perhaps she had taken something? Anything. Some small object. I thought suddenly of a Rhenish-stone match-box. Perhaps it was that. I didn’t remember having seen it when upstairs. I wanted to make sure at once. At once. But I commanded myself to sit still.
“And she so wealthy,” Therese went on. “Even you with your dear generous little heart can do nothing for our Rita. No man can do anything for her — except perhaps one, but she is so evilly disposed towards him that she wouldn’t even see him, if in the goodness of his forgiving heart he were to offer his hand to her. It’s her bad conscience that frightens her. He loves her more than his life, the dear, charitable man.”
“You mean some rascal in Paris that I believe persecutes Dona Rita. Listen, Mademoiselle Therese, if you know where he hangs out you had better let him have word to be careful I believe he, too, is mixed up in the Carlist intrigue. Don’t you know that your sister can get him shut up any day or get him expelled by the police?”
Therese sighed deeply and put on a look of pained virtue.
“Oh, the hardness of her heart. She tried to be tender with me. She is awful. I said to her, ‘Rita, have you sold your soul to the Devil?’ and she shouted like a fiend: ‘For happiness! Ha, ha, ha!’ She threw herself backwards on that couch in your room and laughed and laughed and laughed as if I had been tickling her, and she drummed on the floor with the heels of her shoes. She is possessed. Oh, my dear innocent young Monsieur, you have never seen anything like that. That wicked girl who serves her rushed in with a tiny glass bottle and put it to her nose; but I had a mind to run out and fetch the priest from the church where I go to early mass. Such a nice, stout, severe man. But that false, cheating creature (I am sure she is robbing our Rita from morning to night), she talked to our Rita very low and quieted her down. I am sure I don’t know what she said. She must be leagued with the devil. And then she asked me if I would go down and make a cup of chocolate for her Madame. Madame — that’s our Rita. Madame! It seems they were going off directly to Paris and her Madame had had nothing to eat since the morning of the day before. Fancy me being ordered to make chocolate for our Rita! However, the poor thing looked so exhausted and white-faced that I went. Ah! the devil can give you an awful shake up if he likes.”

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The smile which for a moment dwelt on his lips was not unkind.
“At the same time he has a very good grip of the material conditions that surround, as it were, the situation.”
“What do you mean? That Dona Rita” (the name came strangely familiar to my tongue) “is rich, that she has a fortune of her own?”
“Yes, a fortune,” said Mills. “But it was Allegre’s fortune before. . . And then there is Blunt’s fortune: he lives by his sword. And there is the fortune of his mother, I assure you a perfectly charming, clever, and most aristocratic old lady, with the most distinguished connections. I really mean it. She doesn’t live by her sword. She . . . she lives by her wits. I have a notion that those two dislike each other heartily at times. . . Here we are.”
The victoria stopped in the side alley, bordered by the low walls of private grounds. We got out before a wrought-iron gateway which stood half open and walked up a circular drive to the door of a large villa of a neglected appearance. The mistral howled in the sunshine, shaking the bare bushes quite furiously. And everything was bright and hard, the air was hard, the light was hard, the ground under our feet was hard.
The door at which Mills rang came open almost at once. The maid who opened it was short, dark, and slightly pockmarked. For the rest, an obvious “femme-de-chambre,” and very busy. She said quickly, “Madame has just returned from her ride,” and went up the stairs leaving us to shut the front door ourselves.
The staircase had a crimson carpet. Mr. Blunt appeared from somewhere in the hall. He was in riding breeches and a black coat with ample square skirts. This get-up suited him but it also changed him extremely by doing away with the effect of flexible slimness he produced in his evening clothes. He looked to me not at all himself but rather like a brother of the man who had been talking to us the night before. He carried about him a delicate perfume of scented soap. He gave us a flash of his white teeth and said:
“It’s a perfect nuisance. We have just dismounted. I will have to lunch as I am. A lifelong habit of beginning her day on horseback. She pretends she is unwell unless she does. I daresay, when one thinks there has been hardly a day for five or six years that she didn’t begin with a ride. That’s the reason she is always rushing away from Paris where she can’t go out in the morning alone. Here, of course, it’s different. And as I, too, am a stranger here I can go out with her. Not that I particularly care to do it.”
These last words were addressed to Mills specially, with the addition of a mumbled remark: “It’s a confounded position.” Then calmly to me with a swift smile: “We have been talking of you this morning. You are expected with impatience.”
“Thank you very much,” I said, “but I can’t help asking myself what I am doing here.”
The upward cast in the eyes of Mills who was facing the staircase made us both, Blunt and I, turn round. The woman of whom I had heard so much, in a sort of way in which I had never heard a woman spoken of before, was coming down the stairs, and my first sensation was that of profound astonishment at this evidence that she did really exist. And even then the visual impression was more of colour in a picture than of the forms of actual life. She was wearing a wrapper, a sort of dressing-gown of pale blue silk embroidered with black and gold designs round the neck and down the front, lapped round her and held together by a broad belt of the same material. Her slippers were of the same colour, with black bows at the instep. The white stairs, the deep crimson of the carpet, and the light blue of the dress made an effective combination of colour to set off the delicate carnation of that face, which, after the first glance given to the whole person, drew irresistibly your gaze to itself by an indefinable quality of charm beyond all analysis and made you think of remote races, of strange generations, of the faces of women sculptured on immemorial monuments and of those lying unsung in their tombs. While she moved downwards from step to step with slightly lowered eyes there flashed upon me suddenly the recollection of words heard at night, of Allegre’s words about her, of there being in her “something of the women of all time.”

chanel watches It is customary at the death of a person to build a bonfire after night

It is customary at the death of a person to build a bonfire after night, and cast into the fire household articles, such as money boxes, ladies’ dressing cases, etc., composed of gilt paper, the priests meanwhile playing upon shrill pipes. They claim the devil which inhabits all bodies leaves the body to save the property of the dead, and once they play him out he can never re-enter, so souls are saved.
I climbed high and dirty stone steps to the water-clock, which, they say, is over five hundred years old, and has never run down or been repaired. In little niches in the stone walls were small gods, before them the smouldering joss sticks. The water-clock consists of four copper jars, about the size of wooden pails, placed on steps, one above the other. Each one has a spout from which comes a steady drop-drop. In the last and bottom jar is an indicator, very much like a foot rule, which rises with the water, showing the hour. On a blackboard hanging outside, they mark the time for the benefit of the town people. The upper jar is filled once every twenty-fear hours, and that is all the attention the clock requires.
On our return to the Powan I found some beautiful presents from Consul Seymour and the cards of a number of Europeans who had called to see me. Suffering from a sick-headache, I went to my cabin and shortly we were on our way to Hong Kong, my visit to Canton on Christmas day being of the past.
Chapter 14 To the Land of the Mikado
SHORTLY after my return to Hong Kong I sailed for Japan on the Oceanic. A number of friends, who had contributed so much towards my pleasure and comfort during my stay in British China, came to the ship to say farewell, and most regretfully did I take leave of them. Captain Smith took us into his cabin, where we all touched glasses and wished one another success, happiness and the other good things of this earth. The last moment having come, the final good-bye being said, we parted, and I was started on my way to the land of the Mikado.
The Oceanic, on which I traveled from Hong Kong to San Francisco, has quite a history. When it was designed and launched twenty years ago by Mr. Harland, of Belfast, it startled the shipping world. The designer was the first to introduce improvements for the comfort of passengers, such as the saloon amidships, avoiding the noise of the engines and especially the racing of the screw in rough weather. Before that time ships were gloomy and somber in appearance and constructed without a thought of the happiness of passengers. Mr. Harland, in the Oceanic, was the first to provide a promenade deck and to give the saloon and staterooms a light and cheerful appearance. In fact, the Oceanic was such a new departure that it aroused the jealousy of other ship companies, and was actually condemned by them as unseaworthy. It is said that so great was the outcry against the ship that sailors and firemen were given extra prices to induce them to make the first trip.
Instead of being the predicted failure, the Oceanic proved a great success. She became the greyhound of the Atlantic, afterwards being transferred to the Pacific in 1875. She is the favorite ship of the O. and O. line, making her voyages with speed and regularity. She retains a look of positive newness and seems to grow younger with years. In November, 1889, she made the fastest trip on record between Yokohama and San Francisco. No expense is spared to make this ship comfortable for the passengers. The catering would be hard to excel by even a first-class hotel. Passengers are accorded every liberty, and the officers do their utmost to make their guests feel at home, so that in the Orient the Oceanic is the favorite ship, and people wait for months so as to travel on her.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

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Sasuke's weapons pierced pardon? On? Appeared to be their teacher, but the transformation reverted to its uniqueand the weapons projected undamaginglyly from a log. Kakashi had doggeduke's location, dropping his guard on resolutionion to create a deceptionption. Sakura rushed from trouncinging, anxious Not far off fromar off from Sasuke, solitarytary to be confronted by an image of the boy she loves insistentt in place ofplace of help. Sakura screamed and fainted. From nearby, a casual teacher, muttered: "Maybe I overdid it. But she ought toto maintaintain noticed if it was real or not. That was Ninja tactic quantityty two."

The real Sasuke confronts his teacher, attacks with arms and feet and is able to startlehim by getting close an adequate amountquate amount to contactct singlegle of the bells which would maintaintain earned him a victory if solitarytary he had grasped it. Kakashi says in startle "I'll admit with the aim of the aim of you're diverserom folks two."

But Sasuke is already resuming his attack. He creates a seal in place ofplace of horse and tiger, to which his teacher stares in amazement: "What? That method not something a Genin can resolvesolve. He shouldn't maintaintain an adequate amountquate amount Chakra." Sasuke sends a jet fire from his breath, insidioushis teacher, but whilstst the smoke clears, Kakashi is used up up. He is not behind nor anywhere beyondd.

A voice yells, "Beneath you!" An arm comes from the earth and drags Sasuke under, leaving him with solitarytary his head sticking barredred. Kakashi kneels by. "This is the third Ninja tactic know-how." Then he adds, "Looks like your talents are exceptional, but they say with the aim of the aim of stakes with the aim of the aim of central themeal theme barredred contracttract driven back into the ground."

A small scheduledule soon Sakura appears and sees Sasuke's head on the ground. Her eyes pop releasease whilstst Sasuke calls her refer tor to, and she freaks barredred, thinking it is a severed head calling to her. After she awakes from the faint, she finds Sasuke kneeling beside her. She is joviall with the aim of the aim of he is all appropriatepriate, and suggests with the aim of the aim of they try harder subsequentlyequently scheduledule but allott up in place ofplace of in a jiffya jiffy. Sasuke glares by the side of the side of her. He is not a fatalistt. He mutters a perplexedd story not far off fromar off from a weirdwith the aim of the aim of he ought tot to exterminaterminate. Whileile he speaks, the chronometerometer alarm rings twelve noon. They maintaintain run barredred of scheduledule. The test is on Back by the side of the side of the preliminaryary central themeal theme someplacelace Naruto is attachedched to a stakee, Kakashi informs his stunned students with the aim of the aim of they need not return to the military institutey institute. They are so bad, they ought toto vacatete being ninjas. He asks them a very of great consequenceconsequence question which they cannot answer: "Why resolvesolve you think we're training by infringementment into groups?" He reveals the answer. "It is in place ofplace of teamwork. If all Three had approachoach mutually, maybe singlegle would maintaintain acquired a bell. Sakura asks, "Why resolvesolve we need to wear outr out teamwork, someplacelace nearare solitarytary two bells?"

Sunday, October 21, 2012

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Blogging 101

Blogging 101 is mostly about the blogging
vocabulary. To understand blogs, you need to know
the terms blog, platform, domain, and web host.
Once you have mastered these key elements of
blogging, you can enter any conversation about
blogging with confidence. After you know what
exactly a blog is, you will be on your way to
passing the final exam of blogging 101.

Blog is short for weblog, which simply means a
series of online posts presented in reverse
chronological order. That's all! Most blogs are text,
but there are also photo blogs and video blogs. The
rest of blogging 101 has to do with the technical
side of things. If you are setting up a blog, you will
need a platform, a web host, and a domain. A
blogging platform is a computer software program
that allows you to write posts and to update your
blog. Your platform is also what you use to design
the look of your blog, from color scheme to font
size. The web host is sort of like the virtual file
cabinet where your blog is stored. Your computer
communicates with the host when you upload or
edit a post. The domain is the online address of
your blog, and usually ends in �dot com'. Now that
you know what a blog is, what a platform is, and
what domains and hosts are, congratulate yourself!
You have passed blogging 101.

(Word count 238)


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Maintaining a wholesome colon indicates having a colon that doesn't have years of built up poisonous food wastes. When toxins are current within the colon, the body absorbs them plus they discover their way into all other elements of the entire body. Typically these toxins come from our eating habits, medicines and environmental exposures.

The method of getting rid of these toxins from your physique is known as detoxification, which usually demands a shift from your regular day-to-day living in two major aspects - eating habits and lifestyle. You'll be able to tremendously lessen the poisonous load within your program by avoiding alcohol, processed foods, animal products, smoking, medicines, and sugar.

A nutritious colon permits 2-3 daily bowel movement. The colon begins to produce critical difficulties as soon as it starts having congestions due to the nature of what you consume. Along with a organic colon cleanse can be a solution to this dilemma.

A single with the most frequent bowel conditions is constipation - getting bowel movements fewer than three times in a week. Constipation lessens the charge at which foods wastes are removed from the program. Hardened stool that's dry, smaller in size and difficult to pass is really a crucial characteristic of the constipated state. Isn’t this problem poor sufficient to result in someone to go for any colon cleaning? Of course, it really is! In fact, the longer it will take these wastes to leave your program, the higher your risk of having a illness simply because prolonged keep of those wastes instigates putrefaction, fermentation and possible re-absorption.

Sustaining a really wholesome colon requires a routine colonic detoxification. To complete this, you have to have much more greens and raw fruits with extremely tiny cooked or processed meals. With this arrangement, there will probably be total digestion of food, typical foods wastes elimination turnaround and clear internal body program.

A good colon cleanse will usually need intake of a minimum of 2.five L of water each day. This also forms a floor for common physique cleansing.. As a result, make sure you do not starve oneself of h2o during cleansing. Water and a excellent eating habits are sufficient to rejuvenate the body.

There are numerous colon cleansing techniques but the most efficient, less costly and most secure method is natural colon cleansing. All you'll need can be a change of one's life-style and diet. Also when detoxifying your colon, it's also important to integrate using probiotics in your eating habits so that you can replenish your intestinal flora.

Friday, October 19, 2012

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Acid Reflux Medication: Keeping Heartburn at Bay

In a normal digestive process, the partially digested food is being forwarded by muscular movements from the stomach to the intestines. However, for some people, the stomach contents travel back to the esophagus from the stomach. This condition is known as acid reflux.

Common symptoms of this disease include heartburn, difficulty in swallowing, regurgitation, chest pains, dental erosion, hoarseness, asthma, dyspepsia, vomiting, and many others.

If not properly treated, acid reflux can last for several months. But drug treatment can play an essential part in the treatment process of a patient.

The most common medications used include the following:

Antacids. These drugs are used to neutralize the acids in the digestive tract and are primarily taken in for relief of mild symptoms, such as occasional episodes of indigestion and heartburn. They also act to incite the defensive mechanisms of our stomach by building up the secretion of mucous and bicarbonate. Most antacids can be bought over the counter even without a medical prescription. Moreover, these drugs are one of the first to be recommended by professionals to lessen the pain brought about by heartburn or mild symptoms. The three basic ingredients of antacids are magnesium, calcium, and aluminum.

Acid suppressants such as histamine blockers are also commonly used. Histamine blockers obstruct the production of stomach acids by alienating the actions of histamine. Histamine is a chemical in the body that promotes the production and secretion of acids in the stomach. Anti-histamines are available even without prescription and offers relief of symptoms in most of the patients with frequent acid reflux. Patients have to wait for 30 to 90 minutes for these drugs to take effect. But their effect also lasts six to 24 hours. In cases of severe symptoms, a patient may have to take two dosages a day. In some researches, histamine blockers have shown to improve asthmatic symptoms in those who endure from both acid reflux and asthma.

However, in a study dated 2001, it was suggested that histamine blockers occasionally impart complete relief of symptoms for dyspepsia and heartburn.

Proton pump inhibitors are also employed as a medication. They act to trim down the production of stomach acids by reacting with the cells found in the stomach wall which produce and release acids into the stomach. However, researches have revealed that the use of proton pump inhibitors poses some concerns. Side effects, although uncommon, include diarrhea, headache, itching, and nausea. Moreover, these drugs should also be stayed away from by pregnant and breast-feeding mothers.

Another medication that is generally handled is the use of agents which protect the mucus lining in the gastrointestinal region. This kind of drug acts by attaching to an ulcer crater so that it will be guarded from damage caused by digestive acids. It is advisable for people undergoing maintenance therapy with mild or moderate acid reflux conditions. Likewise, it has minor side effects, including constipation.

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to send to their contacts too.

4. Send news updates aligned to your industry

For example, a Mortgage Broker may email or SMS you regular updates on interest rate reviews or a Surf Retailer may send you regular updates on the international competition circuit. The value of this depends on your industry, but if you are up-to-date with everything that�s happening in your industry, you are automatically seen as an expert.

5. Send out a tip for the day, week or month

Again this can be an email or even a short SMS message. It will provide valuable content about your products or services to assist your customers, prospects and alliances and keep your business at the forefront of their minds.

6. Send out an inspirational quote for the day, week or month

It will only take you 5 minutes to create a quick email and it will help to keep you top of mind with your customers. A quick search of the Internet will give you heaps of quotes you can use.

7. Series of welcome letters for new customers

Make customers feel welcome and keep them excited about doing business with you with an automated series of welcome emails. This strategy also helps to minimise any buyer�s remorse they might be feeling. For example, a Weight Loss Clinic sends a welcome letter with important contact details on day one, then in the second week they send a variety of recipes in line with their diet, and from the third week onwards, give their customers a variety of motivational pieces, diet planners, and education as the customer goes through the program with them.

If you use the Bloomtools Ezy Communicator, you can automate this whole process. Simply create the campaigns and schedule them for X days after joining group �New customers?then put all your new customers into the relevant group in your database ?the emails will go out by themselves.

Once you start using the Bloomtools Ezy Communicator system to engage with your contacts you can start to build customer loyalty and ultimately increase sales.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

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Aikido Weaponry is All About Techniques

Aikido is a kind of martial arts which is often considered as modern Japanese budo. This martial art's emphasis is on the spiritual and philosophical development of one's self. The word "Aikido" basically means "The Way of Harmony with the Spirit." It is the study of the natural laws and how they harmonize with the mind and body.

Aikido is encompassing. You will be taught to use both armed and unarmed forms of combat and self defense. For unarmed attacks, you have at your disposal a variety of throws, strikes, joint-lock techniques, vital points and even those so-called mystery attacks wherein you attack the opponent without laying a hand on him or her. Meanwhile, armed attacks involve the use of every kind of weapon imaginable. From swords to knives, from sticks to spears, practically everything can be utilized in Aikido as a weapon.

However, in general most Aikido classes are conducted with exclusive training with the use of the jo or staff, tanto or knife and the bokken or sword. These three serve as the main weapons used in Aikido. Even though Aikido appears to be using more unarmed forms and techniques of martial arts, there are a couple of reasons why weapons are studied in Aikido classes and training sessions. Aikido has a strong weapon martial arts foundation and any training with weapons will only reinforce the basic techniques of the martial art.

Aikido founder Morihei Ueshiba, known to his students and Aikido practitioners as ?-sensei which means Great Teacher, was particularly skilled with the staff. He was able to integrate weapon techniques with basic Aikido movements. But among the multitude of weapons out there the sword has the most influence on the development stages of Aikido techniques.

Through weapons training, an Aikido practitioner will be able to measure the distance between attacks. Also called ma-ai, the proper distancing is very important in timing an attack and defending one. And speaking of defense, weapons training is also necessary since advanced Aikido techniques involve defending against people bearing all sorts of weapons.

In order to practice each advanced move safely, Aikido practitioners needed to be familiar with each weapons' capabilities. Therefore, with Aikido weapons training, one will be able to develop his skills, intuitiveness and reflexes in both attacking and defending movements.

Among the weapons used in Aikido weapons training include the katana, the single edged, slightly curved sword famous in the world as the sword of the samurai. In Aikido weapons training, you will also be taught to handle, hold, fight and defend using the tanto which in actuality is a knife or a short blade. The tanto was also extremely popular amongst the men and women who lived by the samurai code during their time.

Another bladed weapon used in Aikido weapons training is the ninja-to. The ninja-to are swords used by those mysterious ninjas. Samurais back then also have wakizashi swords at their disposal. Wakizashi are usually two feet long and are paired with the katana. The j? meanwhile is a four-foot long wooden staff used by not only Aikido but by other martial artists as well. When Aikido techniques are fused with jo, the principle is called aiki-j? which involves an integration of Aikido techniques in Aikido which uses the j? to illustrate Aikido's principles with a weapon. 相关的主题文章:

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Time And Tattoos

Throughout the course of time, tattoos have been used to personify and represent someone抯 affiliations, personal preferences, and their creative outlook on life. Tattoos are gaining in popularity these days as well with both men and women. Research has shown that nearly 1 in 4 people have at least one tattoo on their body.

By definition, a tattoo is a permanent marking on the skin. The ink is injected by needle under the skin, creating the image of the tattoo. The needle moves very fast, puncturing the skin and depositing the ink into the epidermis. As the ink is depositing into the epidermis, the skin captures the color of the ink. The artist will continue to clean the tattoo as he works on it, wiping it off with antiseptic and disinfecting the wound.

Over time tattoos will chance with the skin on a constant basis due to the wind, sun, regeneration, water, and other things. The way a tattoo looks and the design must also chance with the skin as it shrinks, stretches, and ages. The pigment that makes up the tattoo must remain the way it is over time, although tanning and wrinkles can affect the color and clarity of the tattoo.

The overall length of time that a tattoo styles healthy and vibrant in color all depends on how well it was taking care of after it was completed and how the skin is taking care of. Even though infection is always a concern with tattoos, you must also promote healing in the sense of retaining as much ink as you possibly can. Most tattoos will heal completely within a few short weeks, although they must be kept moist to prevent scabbing. If allowed to scab, the scab that forms will remove some of the color from the tattoo.

The number one enemy of tattoos is the sun. Just like other colors that are exposed to sunlight, the pigments found in tattoos will fade. Yellow and red are the hardest colors to maintain over time, blue and black are the easiest and most stable to maintain. Tattoos are considered to be part of the organism of living skin and need to be maintained to keep the color alive and fresh. If you are going to be out in the sun, you should always cover your tattoos and wear a quality sunscreen as well, just to be on the safe side.

Tattoos that have been properly applied, properly healed, and protected from the rays of the sun can remain their best for years and years. Although the colors will remain vibrant as well, time and the sun are definite enemies for tattoos. No matter how well you take care of your tattoos and protect them, there really is no escape from changes that come as a result of time itself.


(word count 471) 相关的主题文章:

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

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After canceling in 2009, Ozzfest returns with six U.S. dates scheduled for late summer, and one date in London, U.K this fall.

The festival will feature thirteen bands on two stages. Longtime rockers, Motley Crue, will join the festival founder, Ozzy Osbourne on the mainstage, where he will be performing material from his newly released album, Scream. Also performing the mainstage are Halford, Devil Driver, and Nonpoint.

The lineup for the second stage includes: Zakk Wylde and Black Label Society, Drowning Pool, California Wildebeest, Kataklysm, Saviours, Goatwhore, Exodus, Kingdom of Sorrow, and Skeletonwitch.

Don抰 miss this legendary hard rock festival in a city near you. For Ozzfest tickets, visit Ticketmaster.com or ShowTimeTickets.com, where we are never sold out!

For a full list of tour dates, check the listings below. Continue to check back with us for information on other upcoming concerts in your area.

Aug 14 ?San Bernardino Ozzfest Tickets
Aug 17 ?Tinley Park Ozzfest Tickets
Aug 19 ?Burgettstown Ozzfest Tickets
Aug 21 ?Hartford Ozzfest Tickets
Aug 22 ?Camden Ozzfest Tickets
Aug 24 ?Mansfield Ozzfest Tickets
Sep 18 ?London Ozzfest Tickets


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It is for the reason that reason that the test tries to locateate the three contrary toy to both other. It is to unearthrth students who locateate teamwork byir own individualal interests. But they were pathetic. Sakura cared more not far off fromar off from Sasuke than Naruto. All Naruto did was toil on his own. And Sasuke held other two were immediatelydiately going away away to burden him. But missions are readyy in groups. "If you happen to to captured. Someone will depart this lifeart this life. Clothed inothed in eachmission, you locateate your life on the line."

Kakashi-sensei says he will allott them all singlegle more abilityy soonsimilar toar to have lunchlunch. They are to worryry have lunchlunch solitarytary if they are up to the challenge. But they ought tot to not permit Naruto to worryry, and he is to continueue attachedched up. It is his punishment in place ofplace of infringementment the rules and demandinging to worryry have lunchlunch first.

Anyone who feeds him will fail. Kakashi steps away, and Sasuke and Sakura arise to worryry their lunches. Naruto, unable to move, is in need and his stomach is growling rowdilyy. But Sasuke commentsnts with the aim of the aim of Kakashi is not nearby, and he says with the aim of the aim of if they are going away away to contracttract the bells mutually, it is solitarytary going away away to be tribulationtion if Naruto is hungry. He offers food to his starving associatee. Sakura agrees and she besidesdes offers her have lunchlunch to Naruto. Because his hands are attachedched, she ought tot to feed him.

Naruto takes the basic bite, and nearis a loud give a standing ovation a standing ovation of thunder and smoke. Kakashi has returned and is very angry! "You three broke the tenett! Are you prepared in place ofplace of the punishment? Are nearsomee carry ony on lexis?" Sakura is not far off fromar off from to faint again, Naruto is tremblingng in alarmm, and Sasuke is silent and overflowingowing with dread. Sasuke and Sakura skip to be beside Naruto, announcing with the aim of the aim of they are in this mutually. They are a three-man team. They are singlegle.

"You nearare singlegle, eh?" says their teacher. His dark look washes away. Then he nods, "You pass! You three are the basic. The students I had previously were blockheads who immediatelydiately listened to pardon?On? I thoughtght. Ninjas need to think outsidee the regularr. Clothed inothed in the humankindkind of ninjas, folks who break the rules are called scum. But folks who don't custodyody not far off fromar off from their contactss are even worse scum."

Naruto appears to hungerer to cry, and says, "He's kind of cool."

The training has ended. Everyone passes in place ofplace of the basic scheduledule continuallyinually. The 7th setill arise their missions the subsequentlyequently daylight hourslight hours.

From this episode we discoverver with the aim of the aim of the basicsing a ninja resolvesolve not purely have to do with do with a lofty quantityty of tactical knows-hows and magical skills. Instead, nearare largebeliefsfs with the aim of the aim of are requisitee in place ofplace of the achievementment of somee setFor the basic scheduledule, these squabblingg, selfish children, maintaintain worked in agreementent, and appear talentedd of engaging in opportunityunity Missions with the aim of the aim of will test their trustworthinesss and loyalty to both other. It is not not far off fromar off from who loves whom, and who hates whom, but of co-ordinating and being nearin place ofplace of the assistance and support of singlegle an extraa. The setught tot to be a dynastyy in the factualual perceiveive.

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The Young British Artists (YBA) are a group of contemporary painters, sculptors, photographers and video, installation and conceptual artists who rose to prominence at the end of the twentieth century. They were linked together only loosely, with no other common characteristics than their age (they were the Young artists of the time), their nationality (British) and their participation in contemporary art, as well as the fact that the majority of the YBA graduated from Goldsmith's College, London. The YBA became well-known chiefly through three art exhibitions, two of which, one at the Frieze in 1988 and Modern Medicine in 1990 were organized by Damien Hirst (at that time an unknown art student), and one of which, Sensation, held in 1997, took place at the prestigious Royal Academy.

Nothing can represent the YBA better than their works, which can now be seen in the greatest of the world抯 museums and galleries. Below you will find a list of the best known artworks created by members of the YBA, to give an impression of their style and variety. I have not included Damien Hirst抯 works, because as such a major figure in both the movement and world art, a brief mention could not hope to do his contribution justice. Suffice it to say that his work 揟he Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living?(a giant tiger shark in formaldehyde in a vitrine) is the symbol of Britart worldwide.

Hell (1999?000) by Jake and Dinos Chapman

The sculpture shows the Chapmans` vision of hell on Earth, represented by the form of 9 glass boxes, full of thousands miniature Nazis and their atrocities, in the form of a swastika. This sculpture was later destroyed by the artists; Dinos Chapman commented 揥e will just make it again?It is only art.?br />
My Bed (1999) by Tracey Emin

Tracey exhibited her own bed, showing to the world her most personal space, including dirty linen, worn tights, and empty vodka bottles.

Myra (1995) by Marcus Harvey

Myra is a giant picture of 搕he most evil woman in Britain?Myra Hindley, made from the photographs of children. At its first exhibition the work was attacked twice: ink and eggs were thrown at it.

Self (1991) by Marc Quinn

A frozen sculpture of the artist's head made from 4.5 liters of his own blood. Reflecting on this work, the artist said 揥ell, I think it抯 a great sculpture. I抦 really happy with it. I think it is inevitable that you have one piece people focus in on. But that's really good because it gets people into the work.?Marc Quinn makes a new version of Self every five years.

227: The Lights Going On and Off (2001) by Martin Creed

Nothing can be so simple; the artwork is an empty room, where the lights go on and off. In 2001 it won the Turner Prize.

The Hip One Hundred (1998) by Peter Davies

This work is a list of the greatest artists, chosen by the artist and put in the order Peter Davies considered appropriate, written in the form of a grand-scale colorful painting.

Of course the list of total artworks is much longer; these artworks were chosen in order to give a feeling of the nature of the YBA. The Young British Artists breathed new life into the art world. Their art has lots of critics but it induced much discussion and debate in the art world and encouraged people to think. Now, members of the YBA are regular winners of the Turner Prize, and some have even been elected as members of London抯 Royal Academy.


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“In order to live, thou shalt bend thyself towards earth; in order to think thou shalt raise thyself heavenwards. We want the life of the soul as much as that of the body; whence there are two utilities. Thus it is certain that a book will not serve as foot-gear; an epic, from the utilitarian point of view, is not worth an economical soup from the kitchen of a Benevolent Society; and a self-acting boiler, rising a couple of inches on itself, procures calico a few pence a yard cheaper; but this machine and the improvements of industry do not breathe life into a nation, and will not tell the future that it has existed; whereas Egyptian art, Mexican art, Grecian art, Roman art, with their masterpieces accused of uselessness, have attested the existence of these peoples in the vast expanse of time, there where huge intermediary nations, destitute of great men, have disappeared without leaving their visiting cards on the globe. All works of genius are the epitome of a civilization, and presuppose an immense utility. Forsooth, a pair of boots will not outvie a stage-play in your eyes, and you will not prefer a windmill to the Church of Saint Ouen. So, a people is animated with the same sentiment as a man; and man’s favourite idea is to survive himself mentally as he reproduces himself physically. The survival of a people is the work of its men of genius.”
Beatrix, the other completed novel of the year, is a drawn-out, ill-composed work, which is not redeemed sufficiently by its minute description of Breton manners and its portrait of George Sand in Felicite des Touches. Six years separated the publication of the first part of the book from that of the conclusion, and, in the interval, the unity of plan suffered. Balzac devoted a good deal of labour to its execution. In all the conjugal ruses employed by Sabine de Grandlieu to detach Calyste, her husband, from Beatrix, he displays his peculiar talent, but the ultimate effect is poor.
Chapter 12 Letters to “The Stranger,” 1845, 1846
Though fertile in incidents, the year of 1845 was, from a literary point of view, more barren than any in Balzac’s past career, exception, of course, made for the time lost during his printing-house adventure. Beyond his short, witty sketch, A Man of Business, relating the tricks employed by the princes of bohemianism to pay their debts and indulge their caprices gratis, no finished work was published. The Peasants, which the author never entirely got through, was taken up repeatedly, and as often put aside from sheer inability to proceed.
The deadlock in which he found himself had been preparing since his visit to Saint Petersburg. Whether the intimacy created there between Madame Hanska and himself was that of two lovers in the chaster sense, or, as Monsieur Gabriel Ferry assets, in his Balzac et ses Amies, that of a closer union, it had haunted him during his subsequent twelvemonth’s loneliness. And when Eve, who had come to spend the winter at Dresden, discouraged, from fear of her society friends’ backbiting, the idea of his going there to see her, he grew incapable of concentrating his mind on his books; and, even in his letters to her, chafed and was irritable, scolding her for not stamping her envelopes, and recommending her to acquire habits of order and economy! confessing the while that, to escape from his melancholy, he had been playing lansquenet, dining out, going to the theatres, and leading a nonchalant life.

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Still in this very sociable co-operative phase with Venus in your sign. She can also encourage your love-life as you are likely to appear more attractive and desirable to certain others.

Until the 22nd you may be more aware of your financial situation or any other thing which affects material security or physical wellbeing. So that could be something that belongs to you or you want to get your hands on which means spending money. There may be something you have created which needs your ongoing attention to bring to fruition or maybe there's a pressing need to maintain or repair something of value to you. That thing could be your physical body too and some of you may find health matters are emphasized at this time.

There's a New Moon in this area which means the door is open to change things for the better, so take one positive step now to improve the comfort level, either small or big, and work with the Law of Attraction to pull what you want financially, or regarding property towards you.

Discussions and research could be around material possessions or buying/selling and you may be considering the position regarding the financial outlook or property matters, or your basic security. Mars here in the first week is giving you the push to take the initiative and get the value for money or the just reward you seek or to work in practical ways to improve your comfort zone. And Venus, still in your sign until early January, is smoothing the path and helping to iron out any differences with others and definitely will increase your powers of persuasion when it comes to money matters and you could get yourself a bargain or team up with someone in a reciprocal way which generates income or helps with your material situation in general.

From the 2nd week Mars is energizing anything around communications - media, artistic expression, and making new contacts but it can have it's off moments and be critical and argumentative and sometimes discussions can get a little heated, but at least helps clear the air.

Gathering information and travel is also highlighted but with Mercury retrograding between the 9th and 31st you may hit a snag or two along the way which slows things down and at least gets you to figure out things more thoroughly.

With Saturn in the sign before yours for two plus years means certain aspects of your past conditioning are coming up to the surface and this is a good time for decluttering, some feng shui both inside and out. Over this long transit you will be ditching a few out-grown scenarios and attachments and clearing the decks for a bright new future. Basically tying up loose ends from the person you were and stepping into the person you are becoming. Giving more selfless support and understanding to others may be a key feature of this period.

Jupiter is in a more playful, sociable area of your solar chart until next January. This has encouraged your spontaneity and given you a chance to shine in your own unique way. Your originality can come to the fore and others are more likely to appreciate your contribution. Some of you may have more connection with the leisure industry or more chance to pursue a hobby or pastime you enjoy. Romance or a new partnership could be on the cards for some of you. Also more contact with young people or those who are just out to enjoy themselves.

Venus underpins this Jupiter vibration. Great for all love and money-making schemes and also for making friendly connections with others for professional reasons.

Between 28th/29th there may be some challenges and a deeper understanding can be the result.

From the 22nd a busy, chatty time ahead with more comings and goings likely.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

fake rolex watches I had just bought my first box of plastic Dwarfs

I had just bought my first box of plastic Dwarfs. I admired the expertly painted miniatures on the cover and thought: How hard could it be? I just need to do a good job. So with this in mind, I dove right in and painted my very first miniatures ever. As in right out of the box with absolutely no clue whatsoever.

The result looked something like a cross between a cheap plastic souvenir and a Kindergarten finger painting. I wasn't thrilled to say the least. But after some thought, I decided to keep the little guy and just keep trying, even though I had no clue as to what I had done wrong or how to get it right.

After a lot of practice, study, and good advice, I finally realized the things I did wrong, and if you remember to avoid them, you can bypass your own versions of the Finger-Painted Model and accelerate your journey to being an excellent painter.

Oops #1: Wrong brush for the job.

Use the right brush for the job. My first miniature was done with a single, cheap general purpose brush, which is no good for things like eyes. If you are going to detail small things like eyes, use a detail brush. One size does not fit all in painting miniatures.

Oops #2: Paint was too thick

This is where you get the Kindergarten look. While the miniatures come with detail, especially the Warhammer miniatures I paint, it will all disappear if your paint is too thick. Fuzzy Dwarf beards suddenly become amorphous facial bibs. Eyes become featureless blanks. Put a layer of paint on anything that's straight out of the tube, and the detail goes away.

This is also responsible for creating a gooey look to paint jobs. Unthinned paint leaves lines in thick streaks which will create a texture on flat surfaces. You can sand these flat surfaces to fix this, but for anything else you're stripping the miniatures and starting over. You can avoid this situation entirely by thinning the paint correctly and remembering that it comes in its tube, jar, or bottle far thicker than it should be applied.

Oops #3: Single layer of paint.

One layer of paint is good for a basic, table grade miniature if you're painting wargaming units quickly. If you want more depth with a minimum of time and fuss you can:

1.) Put down a basecoat and drybrush.

2.) Put down a basecoat, wash with an ink, and then touch up with the same color.

3.) Put down a basecoat layer, a middle layer, and a highlight layer.

But just one layer of paint will make your miniature look flat.

Oops #4: Bottom details first.

Another good way to avoid detail blunders is to paint the bottom details first. If you overpaint when painting an inner detail first, it makes no difference, because the upper surfaces have not yet been painted. Do this with eyes especially, since you can give them razor sharp lines simply by overpainting around them with an upper layer coat.

Oops #5: Shortage of patience.

Painting requires a lot of time and patience. If you just throw on a coat of paint and move on because you want the model done now, you're going to get coverage shortages, and thus a blotchy effect. I've noticed that white, yellow, orange, and red are especially unpleasant in this regard, and tend to require multiple coats.



Before taking up the garden vegetables individually, I shall outline the general practice of cultivation, which applies to all.

The purposes of cultivation are three to get rid of weeds, and to stimulate growth by (1) letting air into the soil and freeing unavailable plant food, and (2) by conserving moisture.

As to weeds, the gardener of any experience need not be told the importance of keeping his crops clean. He has learned from bitter and costly experience the price of letting them get anything resembling a start. He knows that one or two days' growth, after they are well up, followed perhaps by a day or so of rain, may easily double or treble the work of cleaning a patch of onions or carrots, and that where weeds have attained any size they cannot be taken out of sowed crops without doing a great deal of injury. He also realizes, or should, that every day's growth means just so much available plant food stolen from under the very roots of his legitimate crops.

Instead of letting the weeds get away with any plant food, he should be furnishing more, for clean and frequent cultivation will not only break the soil up mechanically, but let in air, moisture and heat all essential in effecting those chemical changes necessary to convert non- available into available plant food. Long before the science in the case was discovered, the soil cultivators had learned by observation the necessity of keeping the soil nicely loosened about their growing crops. Even the lanky and untutored aborigine saw to it that his squaw not only put a bad fish under the hill of maize but plied her shell hoe over it. Plants need to breathe. Their roots need air. You might as well expect to find the rosy glow of happiness on the wan cheeks of a cotton-mill child slave as to expect to see the luxuriant dark green of healthy plant life in a suffocated garden.

Important as the question of air is, that of water ranks beside it. You may not see at first what the matter of frequent cultivation has to do with water. But let us stop a moment and look into it. Take a strip of blotting paper, dip one end in water, and watch the moisture run up hill, soak up through the blotter. The scientists have labeled that "capillary attraction" the water crawls up little invisible tubes formed by the texture of the blotter. Now take a similar piece, cut it across, hold the two cut edges firmly together, and try it again. The moisture refuses to cross the line: the connection has been severed.

In the same way the water stored in the soil after a rain begins at once to escape again into the atmosphere. That on the surface evaporates first, and that which has soaked in begins to soak in through the soil to the surface. It is leaving your garden, through the millions of soil tubes, just as surely as if you had a two-inch pipe and a gasoline engine, pumping it into the gutter night and day! Save your garden by stopping the waste. It is the easiest thing in the world to do cut the pipe in two. By frequent cultivation of the surface soil not more than one or two inches deep for most small vegetables the soil tubes are kept broken, and a mulch of dust is maintained. Try to get over every part of your garden, especially where it is not shaded, once in every ten days or two weeks. Does that seem like too much work? You can push your wheel hoe through, and thus keep the dust mulch as a constant protection, as fast as you can walk. If you wait for the weeds, you will nearly have to crawl through, doing more or less harm by disturbing your growing plants, losing all the plant food (and they will take the cream) which they have consumed, and actually putting in more hours of infinitely more disagreeable work. If the beginner at gardening has not been convinced by the facts given, there is only one thing left to convince him experience.

Having given so much space to the reason for constant care in this matter, the question of methods naturally follows. Get a wheel hoe. The simplest sorts will not only save you an infinite amount of time and work, but do the work better, very much better than it can be done by hand. You can grow good vegetables, especially if your garden is a very small one, without one of these labor-savers, but I can assure you that you will never regret the small investment necessary to procure it.

With a wheel hoe, the work of preserving the soil mulch becomes very simple. If one has not a wheel hoe, for small areas very rapid work can be done with the scuffle hoe.

The matter of keeping weeds cleaned out of the rows and between the plants in the rows is not so quickly accomplished. Where hand-work is necessary, let it be done at once. Here are a few practical suggestions that will reduce this work to a minimum, (1) Get at this work while the ground is soft; as soon as the soil begins to dry out after a rain is the best time. Under such conditions the weeds will pull out by the roots, without breaking off. (2) Immediately before weeding, go over the rows with a wheel hoe, cutting shallow, but just as close as possible, leaving a narrow, plainly visible strip which must be hand- weeded. The best tool for this purpose is the double wheel hoe with disc attachment, or hoes for large plants. (3) See to it that not only the weeds are pulled but that every inch of soil surface is broken up. It is fully as important that the weeds just sprouting be destroyed, as that the larger ones be pulled up. One stroke of the weeder or the fingers will destroy a hundred weed seedlings in less time than one weed can be pulled out after it gets a good start. (4) Use one of the small hand-weeders until you become skilled with it. Not only may more work be done but the fingers will be saved unnecessary wear.

The skilful use of the wheel hoe can be acquired through practice only. The first thing to learn is that it is necessary to watch the wheels only: the blades, disc or rakes will take care of themselves.

The operation of "hilling" consists in drawing up the soil about the stems of growing plants, usually at the time of second or third hoeing. It used to be the practice to hill everything that could be hilled "up to the eyebrows," but it has gradually been discarded for what is termed "level culture"; and you will readily see the reason, from what has been said about the escape of moisture from the surface of the soil; for of course the two upper sides of the hill, which may be represented by an equilateral triangle with one side horizontal, give more exposed surface than the level surface represented by the base. In wet soils or seasons hilling may be advisable, but very seldom otherwise. It has the additional disadvantage of making it difficult to maintain the soil mulch which is so desirable.

Rotation of crops.

There is another thing to be considered in making each vegetable do its best, and that is crop rotation, or the following of any vegetable with a different sort at the next planting.

With some vegetables, such as cabbage, this is almost imperative, and practically all are helped by it. Even onions, which are popularly supposed to be the proving exception to the rule, are healthier, and do as well after some other crop, provided the soil is as finely pulverized and rich as a previous crop of onions would leave it.

Here are the fundamental rules of crop rotation:

(1) Crops of the same vegetable, or vegetables of the same family (such as turnips and cabbage) should not follow each other.

(2) Vegetables that feed near the surface, like corn, should follow deep-rooting crops.

(3) Vines or leaf crops should follow root crops.

(4) Quick-growing crops should follow those occupying the land all season.

These are the principles which should determine the rotations to be followed in individual cases. The proper way to attend to this matter is when making the planting plan. You will then have time to do it properly, and will need to give it no further thought for a year.

With the above suggestions in mind, and put to use , it will not be difficult to give the crops those special attentions which are needed to make them do their very best.

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Important Air Travel Rules You Must Know

Are you in the process of planning a family vacation or even a business trip? If so, there is a good chance that you will be concerned with a number of things, namely the proper identification that is needed to board an airplane. Proper identification may get you on the airplane, but it does not necessarily mean that it will get you to your destination. For that, you will need to know and abide by all of the air travel rules.

When it comes to air travel rules, there are many travelers who automatically assume that they already know what these rules are; however, the reality is that many do not. In fact, there are some many air travel rules to follow, that it is difficult for any one person to know and fully understand them all. This does not mean that you should not famialrize yourself with the rules of air travel; it just means that you should try and focus on the most important ones.

One of the most important air travel rules, that you must follow, pertains to the items that are prohibited on airplanes. When further examining these items, you will need to learn which items are only prohibited from being in your carryon luggage and which ones are prohibited from airplanes altogether. In your examination, you will likely find that flammable or explosive objects are not allowed on airplanes, under any circumstances. This means that you cannot bring gun powder bombs, flares, or even cigarette lighters aboard a plane. Trying to could not only lead to your items being confiscated, but it could also lead to you missing your flight or being detained by airport security.

Although the ban of sharp, explosive, and flammable items is considered common sense, there are other bans that are not as easy to know on your own. One of those bans is the current bad on all liquids. This ban only applies to your carryon luggage. It was recently learned that explosives could easily be held or converted into liquids; thus the reason for the ban. This ban not only applies to the food or drinks that you consume, but your health and beauty supplies as well. Instead of carrying these items in your carryon luggage, you will need to put them in your checked baggage. This liquid ban only has a few exceptions, such as baby formula, prescription medication, or small amounts of non-prescription medication.

Once you arrive at the airport, the serious air travel rules begin. One of those rules involves airport security checkpoints. All passengers are required to pass through these checkpoints. This is the time where you will need to go through a metal detector and your belongings will need to be scanned by an x-ray machine. But, did you know that this procedure has recently changed? Now, all passengers, unless they are disabled or suffer from a serious medical condition, are required to remove their shoes. Once you remove your shoes, your shoes will be scanned with the rest of your carryon luggage.

As previously mentioned, a number of air travel rules are considered common sense. The most important air travel rule, that you should already be aware of, is the need to cooperate with airport security or airline flight crews. In the event that you unsuccessfully try to pass through an airport security checkpoint, you need to stay calm. If it was a mistake, you should have nothing to worry about. Starting a confrontation, whether it be at the airport or in the sky, can lead to serious consequences. Not only may you end up missing your vacation or your business trip, but you may even end up spending the night in jail.


Word Count 620

Sunday, October 14, 2012

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Tips For Preparing Your Family For Fire Emergencies

Hundreds of people die every year because of fire-related incidents, especially during the Christmas season. Thus, it is very important for us to be prepared for such emergencies. Each member of our family should know what to do in case of fire. More importantly, all of us need to know what to do to prevent fire.

Plan Ahead

One of the most important things that parents forget to teach their children is to prepare for emergencies, such as fire. Even at a young age, children should already be taught how to prevent fire and what to do in case there is fire. Fire drills have often been conducted in buildings and schools to help prepare building occupants and students in case of fire, so why can't you have a fire drill in your home?

The first step is to check your house for possible fire exits. See if the windows and doors in your house are big and tall enough to be used as possible fire exits. Make a floor plan for each room, ensuring that there are at least two ways to get out of the room to escape fire. In making the floor plan, you need to include crucial details, such as stairs, windows and hallways.

After devising a floor plan, you should meet your children and discuss your fire escape plan. You should also make sure that your family has devised a way of warning other members of fire, such as bells, door tapping, etc. It would be best if each bedroom of your house has a flash light and a bell. Lastly, select a safe place outside the house where everyone will go after escaping the fire.

Preparing your family for fire emergencies

It is wise to act out your evacuation plan with the whole family. Teach your children how to stay close to the ground while escaping and is possible, let them memorize the way. Sometimes, the smoke caused by fire would make it very difficult to see the way, so it would really be wise if you and children know the way by heart.

You and your children should also know that during fire, you should feel the door first before opening it. You should not open the door if it is hot. Instead, find another way you could escape your room or house.

If the clothes of your children or any family member catch fire, tell them to fall to the ground and roll. This will help extinguish the fire.

Make your house safe from fire

Make sure that emergency numbers are placed near telephones. Such numbers should always be accessible and visible so that you can call authorities immediately when a fire breaks out.

You should also ensure that smoke detectors are installed in key places in your house. Once smoke detectors are installed, you should check their batteries once in a while. Usually, the batteries of smoke detectors should be changed yearly.

Place fire extinguishers in key locations. If your house has several floors, ensure that there is at least one fire extinguisher per floor.

It would really be best if smoking is prohibited inside the house because many incidences of fire are caused by improperly discarded cigarettes. However, if smoking cannot be helped, make sure that nobody smokes in the bed. Furthermore, let everyone know how to properly discard cigarette butts.

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Making Your Own Off-Road Supercross or Motocross Track

Are you interested in participating in a fun sport? If so, there is a good chance that you may find what you are looking for in supercross motorcycle racing. Supercross motorcycle racing is an action packed sport that uses indoor, man-made tracks as a racing surface. This surface is often filled with a number of jumps and other obstacles. Although your dream may be to become a professional supercross motorcycle racer, it may not always be able to come true. However, this does not mean that you cannot enjoy the sport; you can enjoy it on a recreational or an amateur level.

Although it would be best to find a local supercross or motocross track, that can抰 always happen. As popular as supercross motorcycle racing and motocross racing is, not every city and town has a track. If you are unable to find one of these tracks, you may still be able to participate in off-road biking or racing. You can easily do this by making your own race track. This is definitely possible, especially for those with a fairly decent amount of property.

If you have access to an indoor facility, one that is about the size of a football field, you may be able to create your own indoor supercross racing track. If not, you may have to settle for an outdoor motocross-like track. Whichever track you decide to make, you will find that the construction is often just as exciting as the racing. This is because you will get to control your racing surface. Essentially, this means that you can have as many jumps as you would like, as well as other fun obstacles. Although it is fun to develop your own supercross or motocross racing track, you will also find that it is a large amount of work.

The good news with making an outdoor track is that you will already have the something in your favor; different conditions. Depending on the type of property that you are building on, you may already have a number of small hills or rough terrain. If so, this would make building your track a little bit easier. Whether you are building an indoor track or an outdoor track, you will need to have dirt. Dirt is essential to the building of a motocross track. Luckily, you can find it at a number of locations. In addition to getting dirt from your own property, you may also be able to get it from other homeowners or business owners, especially those that are doing some remodeling. The only problem with this is that you will have to find a way to get the dirt to your track.

Once you have found a way to get the dirt to your track, you will need to start building it. This process will involve a lot of creativity. If you do not already have obstacles in mind, you can easily familiarize yourself with some designs. You can do this by using the internet to your advantage. By studying pictures or videos of supercross or motocross races, you should be able to get a feel for the track, as well as racing or riding on it. It is amazing some of the ideas you can come up with just by looking at pictures or by watching videos.

When making your own supercross or motocross track it is important to remember that you will rarely get things right the first time. It takes a lot of trial and error to build to the perfect off-road racing track. However, once you finish that track, you will likely be pleased with your decision to start the project, as well as proud of the results.


Word Count 616

Discount Louis Vuitton It occurred to her that she had never seen her father dining out before

It occurred to her that she had never seen her father dining out before, never watched him critically as an equal. To Capes he was almost deferential, and she had never seen him deferential in the old time, never. The dinner was stranger than she had ever anticipated. It was as if she had grown right past her father into something older and of infinitely wider outlook, as if he had always been unsuspectedly a flattened figure, and now she had discovered him from the other side.
It was a great relief to arrive at last at that pause when she could say to her aunt, “Now, dear?” and rise and hold back the curtain through the archway. Capes and her father stood up, and her father made a belated movement toward the curtain. She realized that he was the sort of man one does not think much about at dinners. And Capes was thinking that his wife was a supremely beautiful woman. He reached a silver cigar and cigarette box from the sideboard and put it before his father-inlaw, and for a time the preliminaries of smoking occupied them both. Then Capes flittered to the hearthrug and poked the fire, stood up, and turned about. “Ann Veronica is looking very well, don’t you think?” he said, a little awkwardly.
“Very,” said Mr. Stanley. “Very,” and cracked a walnut appreciatively.
“Life — things — I don’t think her prospects now — Hopeful outlook.”
“You were in a difficult position,” Mr. Stanley pronounced, and seemed to hesitate whether he had not gone too far. He looked at his port wine as though that tawny ruby contained the solution of the matter. “All’s well that ends well,” he said; “and the less one says about things the better.”
“Of course,” said Capes, and threw a newly lit cigar into the fire through sheer nervousness. “Have some more port wine, sir?”
“It’s a very sound wine,” said Mr. Stanley, consenting with dignity.
“Ann Veronica has never looked quite so well, I think,” said Capes, clinging, because of a preconceived plan, to the suppressed topic.
Part 3
At last the evening was over, and Capes and his wife had gone down to see Mr. Stanley and his sister into a taxicab, and had waved an amiable farewell from the pavement steps.
“Great dears!” said Capes, as the vehicle passed out of sight.
“Yes, aren’t they?” said Ann Veronica, after a thoughtful pause. And then, “They seem changed.”
“Come in out of the cold,” said Capes, and took her arm.
“They seem smaller, you know, even physically smaller,” she said.
“You’ve grown out of them.... Your aunt liked the pheasant.”
“She liked everything. Did you hear us through the archway, talking cookery?”
They went up by the lift in silence.
“It’s odd,” said Ann Veronica, re-entering the flat.
“What’s odd?”
“Oh, everything!”
She shivered, and went to the fire and poked it. Capes sat down in the arm-chair beside her.
“Life’s so queer,” she said, kneeling and looking into the flames. “I wonder — I wonder if we shall ever get like that.”
She turned a firelit face to her husband. “Did you tell him?”
Capes smiled faintly. “Yes.”
“Well — a little clumsily.”
“But how?”