Thursday, October 11, 2012

coach outlet online a form letter to mail order dealers who advertise in the classified sections of

a form letter to mail order dealers who advertise in the
classified sections of magazines. He offers to buy their
current names and all their names in the future for a fair
price. After he acquires these names, he has them put on a
computer listing and sells them to some of the biggest mail
order firms in the country. He has been doing this for a long
time and he probably is the king of the opportunity-seekers name
list market.


The price you charge for your list can vary greatly. Basically,
lists, like any other commodity, have different values.

Always remember to keep your prices in line with what the other
list sellers are charging. If you charge too little, most
people will shy away, figuring that your list is not that good.
On the other hand, if you set your price too high, most
prospects will be financially unable or unwilling to spend too
great a sum of money. Always try to be moderate in your price
structure. If you are having good results renting your list,
you might try raising the price slowly and see what happens.
Never jump your price too rapidly if at all possible. This
tends to scare away many good prospects and old customers.


There are many and varied methods of reaching prospective buyers
of your lists. We will try to discuss a few in this chapter.
Please remember, that there are literally dozens of other ways
to reach customers. We cannot and will not cover all the
methods, but we will attempt to cover some of the most widely
used methods.

Advertise in various trade and business publications. There are
magazines like Zip Magazine and Direct Marketing Magazine that
list dozens of mailing lists in each issue. These ads are
usually placed by the list broker, list manager or the list
owner. This is probably the best method to use if you are going
after big results. It costs a little, but it is well worth the
price. You can also advertise your list in business opportunity
magazines and periodicals. There are hundreds of these
publications available for you to choose from. You will have to
make test to see which one works the best for you.

You can place classified ads in magazines. Many advertisers use
this method because it is cheap and yet reaches a very large
audience. Never ask for money directly from a classified ad.
These ads should be used only to solicit inquiries. When you
receive the prospective buyer's inquiry, you send them all the
relative information about your list. Price, names, zip code.
Another very profitable method used by list sellers is to rent a
list of prospective buyers from another seller. Once you attain
this list, you mail out your list information to this list.

EXAMPLE . . . If you are selling a list containing the names of
people who have inquired about a book on weight-watching, you
might try to rent a list of names from another dealer who is
selling a book dealing with the same subject.

You would ask the other dealer to send you a list of all the

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