Wednesday, October 17, 2012

louis vuitoon Scorpio Horoscope For December 2010_8489

Still in this very sociable co-operative phase with Venus in your sign. She can also encourage your love-life as you are likely to appear more attractive and desirable to certain others.

Until the 22nd you may be more aware of your financial situation or any other thing which affects material security or physical wellbeing. So that could be something that belongs to you or you want to get your hands on which means spending money. There may be something you have created which needs your ongoing attention to bring to fruition or maybe there's a pressing need to maintain or repair something of value to you. That thing could be your physical body too and some of you may find health matters are emphasized at this time.

There's a New Moon in this area which means the door is open to change things for the better, so take one positive step now to improve the comfort level, either small or big, and work with the Law of Attraction to pull what you want financially, or regarding property towards you.

Discussions and research could be around material possessions or buying/selling and you may be considering the position regarding the financial outlook or property matters, or your basic security. Mars here in the first week is giving you the push to take the initiative and get the value for money or the just reward you seek or to work in practical ways to improve your comfort zone. And Venus, still in your sign until early January, is smoothing the path and helping to iron out any differences with others and definitely will increase your powers of persuasion when it comes to money matters and you could get yourself a bargain or team up with someone in a reciprocal way which generates income or helps with your material situation in general.

From the 2nd week Mars is energizing anything around communications - media, artistic expression, and making new contacts but it can have it's off moments and be critical and argumentative and sometimes discussions can get a little heated, but at least helps clear the air.

Gathering information and travel is also highlighted but with Mercury retrograding between the 9th and 31st you may hit a snag or two along the way which slows things down and at least gets you to figure out things more thoroughly.

With Saturn in the sign before yours for two plus years means certain aspects of your past conditioning are coming up to the surface and this is a good time for decluttering, some feng shui both inside and out. Over this long transit you will be ditching a few out-grown scenarios and attachments and clearing the decks for a bright new future. Basically tying up loose ends from the person you were and stepping into the person you are becoming. Giving more selfless support and understanding to others may be a key feature of this period.

Jupiter is in a more playful, sociable area of your solar chart until next January. This has encouraged your spontaneity and given you a chance to shine in your own unique way. Your originality can come to the fore and others are more likely to appreciate your contribution. Some of you may have more connection with the leisure industry or more chance to pursue a hobby or pastime you enjoy. Romance or a new partnership could be on the cards for some of you. Also more contact with young people or those who are just out to enjoy themselves.

Venus underpins this Jupiter vibration. Great for all love and money-making schemes and also for making friendly connections with others for professional reasons.

Between 28th/29th there may be some challenges and a deeper understanding can be the result.

From the 22nd a busy, chatty time ahead with more comings and goings likely.


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